Compare the Watts Time Trials

Choose multiple Fit files of the same course and compare your time trial watts for free.

See where time was lost and gained comparing your rides with your friends, teammates or even your own previous efforts.

No watts in your fit files? No problem, speed is king in time trials, as long as you have some speed, you are good to go.

⚠️ This tool is in Alpha release. If something is not working as you expect, please get in touch.

We loaded up an example below already, so you can have a play 😊

Select your own files 👇 when you are ready

Top tip - rename your files to something meaningful before you select them.

These charts are a bit unusual, and at first glance can be a bit confusing, read our How to guide for all the details, more tips, tricks & descriptions.

⚠️ This tool is best viewed on a desktop or tablet. Everything still works on smaller devices, it's just harder to delve in to the details.

Time Trial view can be quite tricky to get your head around

Check out our

How To TT analyse

section for how the most out of the tool and some analysis tipsto get

I'm a software developer and cyclist based in the South East of the UK.

Like most keen cyclists I get far too nerdy analysing rides.

I hope this tool helps you fully send your indulgence too.


If you found this tool helpful...

Consider helping me cover hosting costs and ongoing upkeep of Compare The Watts

It will just take a second and any amount is appreciated :)